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Home / World Mental Health Day Seminar

World Mental Health Day Seminar

Royds Withy King and Oxfordshire Mind invite you to a special seminar to celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2018. Join Paul Hayward, employment lawyer at Royds Withy King and Kate Wilson, Mental Health First Aid instructor and Mental Health trainer at Oxfordshire Mind as we team up to run a seminar on managing mental health in the workplace.

Learn from our experts and other like-minded professionals about creating a supportive culture surrounding mental health. Research shows that mental ill health costs UK businesses 42 billion each year and so early identification and support is vital. As an employer do you know:

  • how to spot early signs and symptoms of poor mental health in the workplace?
  • how to support someone struggling with poor mental health
  • where to start with creating a mentally healthy workplace
  • what support is available for you as an employer
  • what your legal responsibilities are as an employer
  • how to effectively manage mental ill health
  • how to manage sickness absence / capability issues
  • when to make reasonable adjustments.

The seminar will be interactive and thought provoking providing you with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and network with each other. Detailed handouts, breakfast and lunch will also be provided.We hope to see you there!

Tickets are on sale now.