This Volunteers’ Week – and every week – we are so grateful to the people who choose to give their time to us as volunteers. Volunteers are experts, offering their time, skills, dedication and generosity, and helping us to support more people across Oxfordshire every day.
They are a vital part of our organisation, bringing along experience and perspectives from all walks of life and creating an environment of peer support: not just an extra helping hand, but a central part of what we do. Last year our volunteers contributed 1176 hours across 8 different roles, and the team continues to grow every day. From fundraising to leading walks, phone support to helping out in our groups, there is always something to do.
“I have learnt, from my experiences with Mind and listening to other volunteers, that the huge rewards and comfort that can be experienced will often be dual; both volunteer and service user experiencing a positive effect. I know that it is an enormous privilege to be allowed to listen to somebody else’s life events and in respecting this we can develop our listening skills and ability to empathise.”
Helen, an Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Volunteer of 11 years
Volunteering doesn’t just help the people who use our services. Over 90% of our volunteers say that being a volunteer helps their wellbeing, and for almost 40% volunteers, the benefit to their own mental health and wellbeing was one of their main motivators in becoming a volunteer. It can also build confidence, new skills, and provide a stepping-stone towards a new stage in life.
This week, we look forward to celebrating all of our volunteers’ hard work by taking them out for a slice of cake and a riverside walk.