We support organisations in building and implementing formal wellbeing strategies with experience gained from our workplace wellbeing programmes.
What is Wellbeing Consultancy?
Our consultancy offering is designed to assess and address the core strategic needs of your organisation. The aim is to create true culture change, creating strategies and environments to promote a consistent, sustainable programme to address Mental Health and Wellbeing in the workplace.
We help you to create and implement wellbeing policies that align with Oxfordshire Mind’s high standards and are on hand to offer ad-hoc support, material and advice.
Why is it important?
The link between mental health and the workplace has never been more apparent. Our workplaces can be a major contributing factor to our wellbeing.
“68% of millennials and 81% of Gen Z leavers left their roles for mental health reasons.” – Harvard Business Review 2021
“Employers see a return of £5.30 on average for every £1 invested in staff mental health.” – Deloitte Report 2022
“At least 1 in 6 workers experience mental health problems like anxiety and depression.” –
Cementing proper practices surrounding Mental Health and Wellbeing helps organisations:
- Retain employees for longer
- Improve efficiency
- Foster new ways of thinking
- Increase inclusivity
- Attract better quality hires
- Reduce avoidable absenteeism and presenteeism
- Reduce the risk of HR tribunal situations
The consultancy approach is a prolonged engagement piece, usually lasting 6 to 12 months. The lifecycle of each consultancy project breaks down into the below:

The funds raised from these programmes fund our organisation including the free to access services we have running around the county that help over 20,000 people every year.
Our consultancy packages can scale to suit your size and specific needs, our projects are priced on a case by case basis – please reach out using the link below to find out more.
Get in touch!
To find out more, please email [email protected]