Training Request Form
Please complete this form for any online training requests.
Please complete the following form to request training
Important Disclaimer: Please read carefully before booking training courses from this website.
Please note that any training about mental health will include topics that some participants may find difficult, sensitive or emotional. At the start of each course your trainer will set a group agreement which includes guidance about what to do in such circumstances. We are committed to delivering training with sensitivity and care. Please do consider this when booking and contact us beforehand if you have any questions. We expect each participant to take responsibility for their wellbeing and to consider how to obtain support should they need it. We also expect each company/organisation to take responsibility for the wellbeing of its employees and to obtain support if needed. Oxfordshire Mind’s information Service are here to advise on this.
Payment is required no later than 14 days before the course start date. Special arrangements may be separately agreed in the case of late bookings. Oxfordshire Mind reserves the right to charge the full fee for:
Any cancellations made within 14 calendar days of the course start date
Non-completion -
Cancellations must be sent in writing by email to Oxfordshire Mind at [email protected] and are only valid once receipt has been confirmed. Oxfordshire Mind reserves the right to cancel any course due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient delegate numbers. In the unlikely event of cancellation by Oxfordshire Mind, a full refund will be made unless the booking transfers to an alternative date.
At Oxfordshire Mind we are committed to ensuring your privacy whether online or through other means of communicating with the charity. We promise to respect any personal data you share with us and keep it safe. We aim to be clear where and when we collect your data and not do anything with your data you wouldn’t reasonably expect us to.