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Home / Our Time to Talk Day 2017

Our Time to Talk Day 2017

Thursday the 2nd of February was Time to Talk Day, which aimed to get as many people as possible talking about mental health for 24 hours and beyond.

For too long, those experiencing mental health issues have been made to feel isolated by social stigma and lack of understanding. Through our work and by supporting the national campaign, Oxfordshire Mind are dedicated to challenging those misconceptions.

Tannah Collier, who works for a company near our Head Office, set up a resource area for the day and encouraged her colleagues to get talking.

As well as helping companies to appreciate the importance of wellbeing, all Oxfordshire Mind office staff made pledges detailing their personal promise to help change attitudes.

To mark the occasion, one of our service users Josh also came in to talk to Jack FM and the Oxford Mail about his experiences. As the author of a popular blog, Josh hopes that his words can encourage others to seek help when they need it.

Thank you to everyone that took part – and let’s keep the conversation about mental health going. It could change someone’s life.