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Home / Time to Talk Day 2017

Time to Talk Day 2017

Here at Oxfordshire Mind we are passionate about challenging the stigma surrounding mental health. That’s why we’re supporting national Time to Talk Day on the 2nd February 2017.


Time to Talk Day is a day that brings the nation together to break the silence around mental health problems. These problems affect one in four of us, yet people are still afraid to talk about it. For people experiencing these problems, not being able to talk about it can be one of the worst parts of the illness. By supporting Time to Talk Day we can break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery and take the stigma out of something that affects us all.

How can you get involved?

At home

The beauty of the campaign is that it is so easy to get involved. You can download plenty of resources here. Starting a conversation about mental health can seem daunting, but it could change someone’s life.

  • Ask a relative how they are (and really mean it!)
  • get in contact with an old friend
  • offer to volunteer with a local charity.
  • spread the word by using the #timetotalk 

At work

There are lots of activities you can do at work, either in pairs, groups or by yourself.

  • Encourage your employer to make the pledge to end stigma against mental health conditions
  • run short activities that start the conversation about mental health
  • just leaving a few resources around your offices might mean the difference for one of your employees who might be struggling
  • At Oxfordshire Mind, we’ve invited all our staff and neighbours to our Head Office to have a cup of tea, enjoy some cake and brainstorm ideas about how we can improve attitudes and spark conversations

Already great at talking about mental health?

You might already have a great way to talk about mental health – in which case, we’d love to hear about everything you do. Maybe you blog. Maybe you know what questions to ask. Maybe you make great use of Twitter and Facebook. Use the hashtag #timetotalk and tweet @oxfordshiremind to let us know.