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Physical Activity Resources

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here and interested in getting active. Oxfordshire Mind has a variety of videos that you can choose from, be it yoga or a bodyweight workout.

These are adaptable and adjustable activities that you can change depending on your own level of fitness and your location.

Strengthening Bodyweight Workout

This workout will build a foundational base of strength and is adaptable for different skill levels. We’ll show you how to perform three different exercises, then we put them all together to create an easy-to-follow bodyweight workout.

A classic push-up. And some variations on it for beginners.
Squats to improve core stability and work the legs and glutes.
Tricep Dips to get the arms working.
Complete the full workout here with Zach to help you.

Oxfordshire Mind Yoga

Yoga is great for the body, stretching out your muscles, engaging the core and encouraging good breathing. But it’s also great for the mind! We have three different yoga sessions for you to choose from: Chair based yoga, restorative yoga and energising yoga. Press play and enjoy.

Energising yoga, find a bit of floor space for a yoga mat for this 20 minute yoga session.
Restorative Yoga, 10 minutes to help you stretch and reset.
Our Chair-Based Yoga, 13 minutes long and perfect for anyone with waist-up only mobility or if you need a break in the office.

Well done!

Thanks for visiting and trying out some of the resources we have to offer, if you are interested in learning more about how we can help you to get active, get in touch at [email protected].