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Home / Students at Didcot Girls’ School win £1,000 for Oxfordshire Mind

Students at Didcot Girls’ School win £1,000 for Oxfordshire Mind

Students at Didcot Girls’ School have been raising awareness of mental health in their school and recently won £1,000 as part of the First Give project.

This is a fantastic achievement that reflects all their hard work and we’d like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all of the students involved for choosing to support Oxfordshire Mind and for doing such amazing work.

The First Give Programme works with secondary schools to help young people give their time to improving their local communities. Students identify an area or social issue they’d like to explore, work with a charity to research and find out more and then present their work in a competition to the school.

It was this presentation that won the group the £1,000, which will go towards supporting Oxfordshire Mind’s services throughout the County.

We look forward to seeing the presentation at the school assembly later in the month and saying ‘thank you’ in person. Well done everyone!