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Home / Selectronic: donated £550!

Selectronic: donated £550!

Oxfordshire Mind would like to say a very BIG thank you to Selectronic for their wonderful end of year donation for £550!

Leon Quinn, Finance and Operations Manager at Selectronic, said; “As a supporter of the UN Global Compact, Selectronic operates as an ethical employer. Each year we aim to allocate a proportion of our profits to local charities. The decision of which charities to support is given to our employees.

Very few peoples lives have not been touched by Mental Health issues and many of our staff  have experienced the valuable support provided by Oxfordshire Mind either directly or to friends and family.

Oxfordshire Mind was chosen to be one of our supported charities for 2018 in the hope we can give a little back and help you to continue to support and advise people in their time of need.”