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Home / Rock Choir – Flash Mob!

Rock Choir – Flash Mob!

Oxfordshire Rock Choir have performed throughout the County as part of a “Flash Mob” event! The choir, dressed at first in all black, surprised locals by bursting into song and revealing the symbolic Rock Choir star!

“I had been informed of the really important work Oxfordshire Mind does by one of my members who uses your service, and had mentioned how much it’s helped her. I have a strong belief that our mental health is just as important as our physical wellbeing; many of our choir members attend Rock Choir for this very reason. Singing has a profound effect on our mental health as is continuously mentioned in scientific research papers as well as countless newspaper articles. Our Rock Choir members know that when they come to sing each week, they can leave their worries at home for that hour and a half and enjoy singing and being with their friends” – Naomi Govier (Rock Choir leader- Abingdon, Banbury, Didcot, Oxford)

The event was a roaring success for both Rock Chair and Oxfordshire Mind.

This event raised £327.75 for Oxfordshire Mind, and was great fun for all those who were involved!