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Home / Primary Care Wokingham Involvement Event

Primary Care Wokingham Involvement Event

Thank you to all those who attended our first Service User Involvement Event in Wokingham on the 3rd of March 2021! Six people attended a virtual session to discuss plans for our upcoming Primary Care Wellbeing Project, and share views around how we can best support local people.

Here is what we talked about:

1) What might be helpful/important when accessing a wellbeing service? What has worked/not worked in the past?

2) How people may be able to access the service through their GP, another organization that’s supporting them or via a self-referral.

3) Practicalities of accessing support and what returning to face-to-face appointments might feel like.

4) What type and amount of information may be useful following a wellbeing session, and how would people prefer to receive it?

5) Oxfordshire Mind in Wokingham!

“You said, we did…”

Question 1:

Where will the team be based?

Returning to face-to-face support could feel difficult. We offer a hybrid of telephone, video and face-to-face appointments based on your needs.

“You Said…”

You would like a variety of ways to access this service.

“We Will…”

Provide referral routes through GP Surgeries, other community services and a process to contact us directly yourself.

“You Said…”

Evening time can be more convenient for working people.

“We Will…”

Try to offer a range of session times in line with service user needs and commitments.

“You Said…”

Service users need to be sure this is a Wokingham project.

“We Will…”

Be clear in all our communications that although we are Oxfordshire Mind, this is a service for Wokingham residents.

“It’s great to hear you may be based out of GP Surgeries. This brings the service together and makes it easy to access.”

Question 2:

What qualifications do the Wellbeing Workers have if they are not counsellors?

They usually have a background of working in mental health services or other experience supporting people with their
wellbeing. They often hold relevant degrees and in work training. We have a robust induction, good internal training, external training opportunities and a shared team knowledge.

“You Said…”

Something other than psychology is useful. It’s good to just talk one to one to someone who knows about mental health issues.

“We Will…”

Try to provide the most holistic, person centred support we can offering service users a space to talk broadly about their wellbeing and co produce an individual support plan.

“I’d be happy to be contacted again if I decide to use this service.”

Question 3:

How can privacy be ensured within a GP Surgery?

Conversations will always take place behind a closed, clinic door. In the waiting room we will greet you in the same way as a GP or other clinician – after you sign it at reception and take a seat we will call out only your name.

“You Said…”

Service users need to be sure this is a Wokingham project.

“We Will…”

Be clear in all our communications that although we are Oxfordshire Mind, this is a service for Wokingham residents.

“You Said…”

Short appointments can feel pressured and you can forget what you wanted to talk about.

“We Will…”

Offer appointments of 45 mins long and follow-up sessions of 30 mins. This means we can provide you with time and space to talk about what matters to you without needing to hurry.

“You Said…”

You would like session follow up information to be relevant to your situation.

“We Will…”

Try to keep info as succinct as possible, only share what is relevant to you and remember that information overload can be overwhelming.

“It’s been really useful to hear about the service and hopes.”