The outbreak of Coronavirus is affecting all our lives in lots of different ways. The company of our pets can provide comfort to us through these anxious times, helping us to maintain a routine and combat loneliness. This National Pet Month, we want to acknowledge how our furry friends can have a huge positive impact on our mental and physical health.
How pets have a positive impact on our mental health:
- They help to structure our lives, with regular feeding and exercises keeping us in a healthy routine
- They help to keep us physically fit through regular walks and playing with them in the garden or at home
- They can be a calming influence when we are going through stressful times simply by stroking, sitting next to or playing with them
- Pets can be great companions for those living alone or in isolation
With lots of us getting used to the new ways of communicating with each other through Skype, Zoom etc., wouldn’t it be great if we could get our furry friends involved too?

Why not host your own virtual ‘Yappy Hour’ and fundraise for Oxfordshire Mind at the same time?
Simply arrange the date and time that your ‘Yappy Hour’ will take place, invite your friends and their cuddly companions, then ask everyone to make a donation to Oxfordshire Mind! You can donate via our website or you could set up your own JustGiving page.
We’d love for you to share your ‘Yappy Hour’ pictures with us so please get in touch with us at Don’t forget to tag us on social media too @OxfordshireMind