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Getting help for mental health

Everyone needs help with their mental health sometimes. No matter what your mental health problems may be, there’s always someone there to support you – whether in person or down the phone.

Home / Getting help for mental health

Emergency mental health help

Oxfordshire Mind is not an emergency service. If you, or someone close to you, requires emergency help then please take a look at our crisis help page. 

Safe Haven

Safe Haven offers short term, out of hours support to adults experiencing mental health crisis in Oxfordshire. We do not define what crisis is, anyone over 18 can self-refer by giving us a call. You can leave a voicemail when we are closed, and we will call you back when we are next open. If you are a professional you can share our details with your client or contact us via phone or e-mail to make a referral or request a call back for your client.

Oxford Safe Haven

Open seven days a week (6:00pm-10:00pm)

Manzil Resource Building, Entrance 2, Manzil Way, Oxford, OX4 1XE

Offering face to face and phone crisis support seven days a week (6pm – 10pm) and phone support on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (12pm – 3pm)
Phone: 01865 903 037 (referral line open 5:00pm-9:30pm)
Email: [email protected]
The service is continually expanding, further details to follow

Banbury Safe Haven

Open Friday – Monday (6:00pm-10:00pm)

The Banbury Wellbeing Hub, Britannia Road, Banbury, OX16 5DN
Phone: 01295 595 263 (referral line open 5:00pm-9:30pm)
Email: [email protected]

Oxfordshire Mind options sessions

If you need access to our support and services at Oxfordshire Mind, the first step is to set up an options session with one of our Wellbeing Service workers. Option sessions help us understand your mental health and wellbeing, and find you the right kind of support.  They’re free, confidential, last around 25 minutes, and can take place by phone or in person. To set up an options session please complete the online form or contact the Oxfordshire Mind Information Service:

Phone: 01865 247788
(Monday to Thursday, 9:30am to 4:30pm, Friday 9:30am to 4:00pm, closed bank holidays) 
Email: [email protected]
Text: 07451 277973
Mail: Information Service, 2 Kings Meadow, Oxford OX2 0DP

If you are ensure about what method of communication to use, view our fact sheet here.

This is a self-referral service, please do not fill in this form on behalf of someone else.

Oxfordshire Mind Guide

We’ve put together our Oxfordshire Mind Guide to make sure you can always find the right support for your situation. It’s a directory of all the mental health services across Oxfordshire, from recovery groups to community mental health teams. 

Can’t find what you need? Contact the Oxfordshire Mind Information Line (Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 4.30pm, Friday 9.30am to 4.00pm, closed Bank Holidays) on 01865 247788 or email [email protected].

Someone to talk to

There are also mental health charities specifically offering emotional support and someone to talk to when you need it.

Samaritans for emotional support (open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) by freephone on 116 123

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) for men in the UK who need to talk or find information and support. Call 0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight, 365 days a year).

Elefriends for a supportive online community, a safe place to listen, share and be heard.