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Home / Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

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I’m Dan Knowles, CEO at Oxfordshire Mind, where we believe that everyone deserves good mental health support and to be treated with respect.

We want to continue our journey of making Oxfordshire Mind an organisation where everyone feels welcome and receives the help they need. That’s why we’ve launched our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) survey, which you can complete anonymously.

By completing our survey, you’re helping us on our journey to become a fairer organisation for everyone. The answers you share will help to shape our work and we’ll share our key findings with you via our website in Autumn 2021.

Whether you’ve connected with us once or a hundred times, your voice is incredibly important to us.

Thank you for using our services and for taking the time to tell us how you feel about Oxfordshire Mind.

If you have any questions or additional thoughts about EDI at Oxfordshire Mind, please get in touch: [email protected]

Best wishes,

Dan Knowles

Oxfordshire Mind CEO