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Home / Development Committee

Development Committee

Development Committee Members

About the Role

With an experienced Development Team in place we are seeking to establish a Development Committee to strengthen our income generating activities and move the team into its next phase.

We have identified the following functions of the Development Committee. Please note, not all members will be expected to input on all functions.

  • Acting as a sounding board and source of advice for the CEO and Development Manager.
  • Providing strategic support to the Development Team to help us deliver the best ROI for all initiatives.
  • Monitoring income and expenditure levels of the Development Team. Maintaining an overview of financial performance and ensuring value for money.
  • Making peer introductions to potential donors, corporate partners and training clients.
  • Sending letters of endorsement to support with funding applications and introductions to potential donors, corporate partners and training clients.
  • Providing business development support for our workplace wellbeing training programme.
  • Sharing corporate insight and introductions to help set up corporate partnerships and new workplace wellbeing training clients 
  • Commissioning periodic reviews on income generating practices to ensure consistency and make recommendations as to best practice.
  • Providing mentoring for Training Lead, Development Manager and others identified in the team.
  • Complementing, and where appropriate, liaising with other Oxfordshire Mind Committees.
  • Advising on and reviewing policies and procedures which have significant implications on income generation.
  • Attending events on behalf of Oxfordshire Mind, virtually and/or in person as appropriate.
  • If appropriate, donating to Oxfordshire Mind’s work and acting as ambassadors by hosting events and publicising the charity and how the Committee Member supports us.


This is an ongoing recruitment but we welcome applicants by 30th November 2020 to establish the first members of the committee.

Contact Details and Recruitment Procedure:

For an informal chat about the role please call Development Manager, Alyrene Rosser:0771 009 2842
[email protected]

We will not be conducting formal interviews. There will be an initial chat with our Development Manager followed by a phone call with our Chair of Trustees.

Oxfordshire Mind Recruitment:

Oxfordshire Mind delivers services to people of all backgrounds; we currently have services focussed on women and men; younger and older people; various different ethnic groups and the LGBTQ+ community. We are committed to safeguarding. We are an equal opportunities employer; we value diversity and welcome applications from all sections of the community.