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Home / Cycling from Oxford to Tehran – Update

Cycling from Oxford to Tehran – Update

We previously posted about our fantastic supporter Iraj who is planning to cycle from Oxford to Tehran! Read on for an update.

Iraj’s cycling challenge is around 5,500 kilometres and should take 2 to 3 months to complete. The route will pass through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Hungry, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey and finally Iran.

Due to the current COVID-19 guidance and travel restrictions in all countries that Iraj plans to cycle through, he will be unable to start his adventure on 12th June as planned and will be postponing to early 2022. A decision we fully support.

In the lead up to his challenge next year Iraj still plans to fundraise for the charity and raise awareness:

  • On the 12th June he plans to cycle from Oxford to Dover
  • On 6th July he will be taking on John O’Groat to Lands End and coast to coast (Sunderland to Whitehaven), about 1,150 miles!

We are so grateful for Iraj’s continued support and will be cheering him on every step of the way!

If you’d like to donate to Iraj’s fundraising and help him reach his target, you can do so here.