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Co-production week

Oxfordshire Mind building

This Co-production week we are reflecting on the expertise that service users, carers, volunteers and peer supporters bring to our work at Oxfordshire Mind, and on our goal as an organisation to work in equal partnership with the people who use our services. In a changing and uncertain world, co-production is more important than ever and we will continue taking the steps to work meaningfully with service users and to involve those who engage with Oxfordshire Mind at all levels of the organisation.

In the last year, we launched our Expert by Experience and Lived Experience Interviewer roles, celebrated at our co-productive event “My Life Fest” with service users and staff from the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership, held service user forums across the organisation, and created our first network of Oxfordshire Mind Involvement Champions. Below, one of our service users shares how they are getting involved:

I have had episodes in my life of depression and now anxiety with bouts of depression. Life has been an emotional rollercoaster. It was suggested to me that I go to Mind. It’s a charity which helps people suffering from mental health or people going through a difficult time in their life. When I started feeling better I wanted to do something and I became involved in one of the roles they were offering which was as a Lived Experience Interviewer. It means I can help staff interview candidates for jobs with Mind because I had the experience of mental health. I liked it so much that I wanted to try something else as well, so I then became involved with the Expert By Experience role which means I can give talks to staff at Mind and other people. I really enjoy both of the roles and find both of them rewarding as well.

Oxfordshire Mind Service User, Expert by Experience and Lived Experience Interviewer.

Interested in getting involved?

Get in touch with the Service User Involvement Coordinator on 07776990311 or [email protected]