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Home / Blue Monday

Blue Monday

This year Oxfordshire Mind want to dismiss the PR stunt that the third Monday in January (17 January) is the most depressing day of the year. Depression is a serious condition that can affect people on any day of the year.

The coronavirus pandemic has been a tough time for many and Oxfordshire Mind knows that mental health problems can affect anyone without discrimination.

Blue Monday was originally created to sell holidays. It is a myth, based on things like the cold winter weather, festive debt and broken new year’s resolutions. No scientific studies have ever supported the claims around Blue Monday. We know that depression doesn’t care what day it is. That’s why Oxfordshire Mind have information and support available year-round.

Dan Knowles, Oxfordshire Mind CEO; “Blue Monday aids negative misconceptions about depression and trivialises an illness that can be life threatening for some. 1 in 4 people will experience depression during their life. It can be extremely debilitating with common symptoms including inability to sleep, seeing no point in the future, feeling disconnected from other people and experiencing suicidal thoughts.”

“There is no credible evidence to suggest that one day in particular can increase the risk of people feeling depressed. There are of course certain things that may make people feel down at this time of year, such as financial strains, broken New Year’s resolutions, bad weather and short daylight hours. However, depression is not just a one day event.”

“Oxfordshire Mind want to remind people that depression can happen at any time and that we available to help people throughout the year. If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one then it is important to seek support. Our Information Service are able to support you, if you are struggling.

Call: 01865 247788
Email: info@oxfordshiremind.org.uk
Website: www.oxfordshiremind.org.uk for support.”

Dan Knowles

Oxfordshire Mind CEO

Soothe Monday

So instead of Blue Monday we’d like to promote Soothe Monday. A day to check in with yourself and your friends. A time to be kind to yourself and start or strengthen positive behaviours and routines that give you the self-care that you deserve.

Why not try:

  • Spending time in nature – even a short walk can boost your mood and help energise you.
  • Try writing down three things that you are grateful for today – this can help focus your mind on the positives.
  • Check in with people in your support network – it might be hard to meet up in person so why not arrange a virtual coffee meeting.