Virtual Ball

Socially distancing yourself but still want to connect with your friends? Enjoy yourselves at your own virtual ball and support a great cause whilst you’re at it!

Many of us are at home and not able to go out and socialise as much as we’d like. Connecting with others can support your mental health, so please support Oxfordshire Mind and arrange your own virtual ball!

Wondering what a virtual ball is?

A virtual event, put simply, is an event that you can view on your laptop, mobile or other device. With the changing times, we understand that students may not be able to attend their end of year/summer balls this year. Although this will be disappointing, we have provided a way that everyone can come together and enjoy a summer ball with a twist. There’s lots of room for creativity so do get your friends and family involved. We look forward to supporting you to create an enjoyable virtual experience and to raise much-needed support at the same time!

How can we support you?

We will be here to support you 100% of the way and will be able to provide you with all of the resources you need to make your virtual ball a success without too much effort. This includes a checklist of what you’ll need to do, editable invitations, fundraising ideas, and much more!

To get your hands on the resources you’ll need to arrange your own virtual ball, simply get in touch with us on [email protected] and we will send them straight over to you.

For more ideas of how you can support us from the comfort of your own home, take a look at our Virtual Fundraising page

Information on how to maintain your personal wellbeing given the Coronavirus can be found here