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Home / 50 Year Anniversary Logo Reveal!

50 Year Anniversary Logo Reveal!

At the end of last year, we opened a competition to design a commemorative logo for Oxfordshire Mind.

The logo is due to be used throughout 2017, to mark an important milestone in our history – half a century of supporting local people with their mental health. With many wonderful entries, it was difficult for our judges to narrow them down to just one. Illustrator Korky Paul and artist Ella Clocksin were delighted to announce the winner and runners up as follows:

Runners up – Richard Baigent & Sarah Palmer

Winner – Emily Scott

One of our generous trustees, Andi Reiss, was kind enough to film the judging. Watch below to reveal the 50 year logo!

Thank you to all who took part – Emily, we hope you enjoy the £200 prize money!

After a quick tidy, our new logo is ready to grace all of our materials from April 2017 to April 2018. Look out for it and stay tuned for our 50 year celebration plans happening all over Oxfordshire.